JEFFREY WEEKES "Finding Peace Within Psyche's Chaos"
18 x 24 inches
Graphite on Stonehenge paper
"Finding Peace within Psyche’s Chaos"
The imagery here started out with intentions to layout a portrait of my wife Kelly while in this contemplative posture. The photo I referenced was taken on a beach we have frequented on many occasions on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. It is a place we seek out as solitude from a heavy paced life we lead together to get back to a spirit within us that is calm and peaceful. A place that allows us to listen to the water and feel the universe of sand beneath us while opening ourselves up to seeing all we have to be grateful for. With the wonders of the universe always at play in moments like these, I wanted to challenge myself with the task of recording what may well be an experience in the Psyche's Chaos, merging and morphing the varying scenes between contemplation, freedom and the wormhole between.
The experiences that have occurred for our family having a teenage boy with Autism, over this Pandemic has pushed me and my family to new depths of struggle to find our balance and keep our optimism. Especially for my wife, depicted here in the throws of the chaos that is ever circling her thoughts and inevitably settling into her body in many ways that are not therapeutic… I wanted to show the efforts that she makes to balance this turmoil with time spent in meditation, sun bathing, forest bathing and listening to healing sounds of nature to tame the incessant chatter and the external circumstances that come with the life that she and I often have to navigate. You can see the hands putting the effort out to holding her up and keeping her strong, combined with the softness of her intentions and the warmth of the sun setting. Through the harsh and troubling times spent and uncertainties that lay ahead she remains...Resilient.
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